Saturday, December 4, 2010

Starhill and Farrenheit 88~

Merry christmas~~!!!
come to december 2010...
time really past so fast, now is the last month for the year 2010...
anything you still haven't do???
then you should do it now~~

Talk about christmas, again is my time to introduce some of the place that have nice christmas decoration...
first station,
let's see starhill gallery at Kuala Lumpur...

Next, come to Farrenheit 88~
with the theme of "Rocking Christmas"~~

These are the pictures of starhill gallery and farrenheit 88~~
Starhill gallery is full of romatic feel,
Farreheit 88 most special is the christmas tree,
because it is made by compact disc~~
of course include some pictures we fooling around...
Merry Christmas~~

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